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Mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy. Pot life of 20 minutes and cure time of 1 hour. Base and Hardener sold separately.
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For Industrial Use Only.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.
EpoxAcastTM 650 + 102
Mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy. Pot life of 90 minutes and cure time of 4 hours. Base and Hardener sold separately.
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For Industrial Use Only.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.
EpoxAcastTM 650 + 103
Mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy. Pot life of 3.5 hours and cure time of 24 hours. Base and Hardener sold separately.
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For Industrial Use Only.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.
EpoxAcastTM 650 + HT
Mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy. Pot life of 3 hours and cure time of 24 hours followed by heat cure. Base and Hardener sold separately.
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For Industrial Use Only.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.
EpoxAcastTM 650 BLACK + 101
A black mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy. Pot life of 20 minutes and cure time of 1 hour. Base and Hardener sold separately.
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For Industrial Use Only.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.
EpoxAcastTM 650 BLACK + 102
A black mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy. Pot life of 90 minutes and cure time of 4 hours. Base and Hardener sold separately.
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For Industrial Use Only.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.
EpoxAcastTM 650 BLACK + 103
A black mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy. Pot life of 3.5 hours and cure time of 24 hours. Base and Hardener sold separately.
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For Industrial Use Only.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.
EpoxAcastTM 650 BLACK + HT
A black mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy. Pot life of 3 hrs and cure time of 24 hrs followed by heat cure. Base and Hardener sold separately.
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For Industrial Use Only.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.