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Also called condensation-cure silicone, these are high-tear silicone rubbers that are known as the "work horse" of the industry because of their performance and economy. Tin cured silicone molds are used for casting wax, gypsum, polymer modified gypsum, etc. but are best known for standing up to production casting of urethane, epoxy and polyester resins. They are also good for casting low temperature melt metal alloys.
Mold MaxTM Series
Used around the world for a variety of industrial and art-related applications including architectural restoration, prototype model development, reproducing sculpture, creating special effects and themed environments. There is no better silicone value.
Easy to use silicone rubber compounds that feature convenient one-to-one by volume mix ratios (no scale necessary) and Low viscosity - vacuum degassing is not necessary.
PoYoTM Silicone Putty
Mix & Apply By Hand Silicone Putty that can be mixed and applied “on site” – directly to almost any model.
Starter Kits
A bargain that offers a great way to learn the basics of different moldmaking, casting, lifecasting, and skin effect processes.
Tin Silicone Accessories
Additives compatible with Smooth-On Tin Catalyzed Silicones for altering and enhancing the characteristics and performance of the rubber compounds. Choose from a variety of colorants, cure accelerators, thinners or thickeners, adhesives and more.